
The Government’s new ‘Swap to Stop’ scheme, what it is and what are the health benefits of swapping from smoking to vaping.

by TCF Group on Apr 17, 2023

The Government’s new ‘Swap to Stop’ scheme, what it is and what are the health benefits of swapping from smoking to vaping.

The Government’s new ‘Swap to Stop’ scheme, what it is and what are the health benefits of swapping from smoking to vaping. 


The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has praised the government's intentions to launch a new programme encouraging smokers to switch to vapes in order to help the country reach its goal of a smoke-free 2030. The first national "swap to stop" programme, which will give one in five smokers in England a vape starter kit and other support to help them quit, will urge close to one million smokers to switch from cigarettes to vapes.


The plans, which will also introduce a crackdown on illegal vape sales as part of steps to prevent minors and non-smokers from picking up the habit, are being led by health minister Neil O'Brien. In order to decrease the number of children who have access to vaping products and to determine what steps the government can take to prevent it from continuing, O'Brien has also released a call for evidence on underage vaping.


Here at 888 Vapour, we are committed in ensuring the safety of the community; preventing people underage can’t access our products and that the products we sell to our customers are safe and TDP compliant. All of our staff are trained to follow the Challenge 25 policy and anybody lucky enough to look that young will have to provide ID or will be refused service.


Check out the available devices here
Check out IQOS quit smoking here


The government's policies have three main goals—to assist more adults in quitting smoking, prevent minors and nonsmokers from picking up vaping, and use vaping as a tool for experienced adult smokers to quit— they hope these will be met by the new laws.


In England alone, there are 5.4 million smokers, making tobacco use the leading preventable cause of sickness and death. Up to 2 out of 3 people who smoke regularly will die from smoking, and according to recent research, smoking is thought to be the primary cause of 1 in 4 cancer deaths.


The health benefits of the 'Swap to Stop' scheme are incredible; after just one year of quitting, the risk of having a heart attack is cut in half for smokers, cutting their chances of ending up in the hospital or worse in half. Additionally, by encouraging more pregnant women to refrain from smoking, fewer infants will be born underweight, undeveloped, and with health issues requiring neonatal and ongoing care. Additionally, it will lower the chance of stillbirth and miscarriage.


Deborah Arnott, chief executive of the Action on Smoking and Health campaign, said: “Vapes increase smokers’ chances of successfully quitting, as do vouchers for pregnant smokers, so these are welcome steps in the right direction, but they are nowhere near sufficient.”



One of our goals at 888 Vapour is to aid our customers in having the best vaping experience whilst feeling secure in what they are inhaling. Despite harsh criticism, vaping is being used to help a huge amount of smokers find a viable and reliable alternative. 


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